Hey guys! i hope you are doing well.
Yesterday after seeing that lot of people on twitter are creating their Github profile Readmes i thought i should do something cool & unique, so i created this ->
Github Readme Stats
Github readme stats allows you to simply add a markdown image link and it will show you realtime stats for your github account.

And the cool thing is since it's just an image you can embed it anywhere even on any websites!
Live Demo:
Pretty neat isn't it? Try it out right now on your profile readme too! :D
After seeing that people liked the Github Stats Card
idea i created
Github Extra Pins
Github Extra Pins
Github extra pins allows you to pin more than 6 repositories in your profile by using github readme profile.
Yey! you are no longer limited to 6 pinned repos
Live demo:
Check out the docs to learn more
That's it :D I hope you guys liked the project. And make sure to give it a star on Github
First Release :-
Github Extra Pins Release :-
1K Stars Reached :-
10K Stars Reached :-