Evolution Aquerium

How It Works?

These Creatures are based on Craig Reynold's Steering Behaviors and Flocking System

It also implements Genetic Algorithm and mutations.

You can learn more about them on Daniel Shiffman's YouTube Channel The Coding Train

Evolution Aquerium Codeflow Visualized (click to enlarge)
Evolution Aquerium Codeflow Visualized (click to enlarge)

AgentBuilder Class

I make use of the "builder" pattern to create different varieties of creatures with different traits. And AgentBuilder class helps me do this easily see how it works.

Learn more how builder pattern works

class AgentBuilder {
  constructor(type) {
    this.acc = new Vector(0, 0)
    this.vel = new Vector(0, -2)
    this.type = type
  setPos(x, y) {
    this.pos = new Vector(x, y)
    return this
  setRadius(r = 5) {
    this.radius = r
    return this
  setColor(color) {
    return (this.color = color)
  setDNA(dna) {
    this.dna = dna
    return this

  // ... more setFunctions

  build() {
    // returns a new BaseAgent based on the values
    return new BaseAgent(

And now, the builder pattern is ready to be used. Let us see how we can build creatures with different traits.

// later on
let Predator = new AgentBuilder("PREDATOR")
  .setColor([255, 0, 0])
  .setFoodMultiplier([0.5, -0.5])

let Avoider = new AgentBuilder("AVOIDER")
  .setColor([255, 165, 0])
  .setFoodMultiplier([0.5, -0.5])

BaseAgent Class

BaseAgent class handles all the logic for the update, render, and physics, it's the heart of the codebase. the basic idea is to give each agent some essential traits like health, radius, maxSpeed, maxSpeed etc etc.

see the full BaseAgent class's code at github

class BaseAgent {
  constructor(x, y, radius, dna, color, builder) {
    // for flocking behaviour
    this.pos = new Vector(x, y);
    this.acc = new Vector(0, 0);
    this.vel = new Vector(0, -2);

    // i used builder pattern to create more variaty agents easily
    if (builder === undefined) builder = {};
    this.builder = builder;

    // traits
    this.age = 1;
    this.health = 1;
    this.radius = radius || 5;
    this.maxSpeed = builder.maxSpeed || 1.5;
    this.maxForce = builder.maxForce || 0.05;
    // amout of health will decrease over time
    this.healthDecrease = builder.healthDecrease || 0.003;
    // amount of health will increase after eating food
    this.goodFoodMultiplier = builder.goodFoodMultiplier || 0.5;
    // amount of health will decrease after eating poison
    this.badFoodMultiplier = builder.badFoodMultiplier || -0.4;
    this.color = color;
    this.hasReproduced = 0;
    // randomly choose male or female
    this.sex = (random(1) < 0.5) ? 'MALE' : 'FEMALE';
    // females will be a bit bigger than male
    this.maxRadius = builder.maxRadius || ((this.getGender() === 'FEMALE') ? 15 : 10);

    // more code in between...

    // colors based on their gender
    if (!this.color && this.getGender() === 'MALE') this.color = [0, 170, 0];
    if (!this.color && this.getGender() === 'FEMALE') this.color = [255, 39, 201];


Later on, I also gave them names, haha yes

let names_female = [
  'hanna', 'mona', 'cutie',
  'sweety', 'sofia', 'rose',
  'laisy', 'daisy', 'mia'
let names_male = [
  'joe', 'jim', 'kim',
  'keo', 'shaun', 'morgan',
  'jery', 'tom', 'anu',
  'brian', 'ninja', 'daniel'

// names based on gender
this.name = (this.getGender() === 'MALE') ? this.getRandomName(names_male) : this.getRandomName(names_female);

And now, let's talk only about the main meat of the code, not any other unnecessary code. so in the base class we have some methods

The primary function which defines the fear behavior and we can also use this inversely

  • eat()

    seeks the nearby food

  • Behaviour()

    applies the force which returns from eat()

  • reproduce()

    Reproduction System checks for male and female agents, and if their radius is greater than 8 and they are close enough to each other, then they can reproduce with their specific DNA and creates a small Agent based on their DNA data and with some mutation.

Flock Class

Flock class takes an agent and do the calculations for flocking behaviors like separate, align, cohesion, seek.

class Flock {
  constructor(currentAgent) {
    this.currentAgent = currentAgent
    this.wandertheta = 0

  seek(target) {}
  _returnSteer(sum) {}
  wander() {}
  separate(agents) {}
  align(agents) {}
  cohesion(agents) {}

EcoSystem Class

EcoSystem class manages all the agents and behaviors, basically it is like a state manager

it has some methods which are

  • addEntities

    adds all entities to the entities (food, poison) object

  • registerAgents

    registers Agents to the state and also creates corresponding Arrays for each of them which you can use by calling ecoSys.groups[yourgivenname]

  • initialPopulation

    initializes the groups of population by the given amount

  • addBehavior

    specifies the behavior of the agent declaratively

  • batchUpdateAgents

    updates all the agents

class EcoSystem {
  constructor() {
    this.groups = {} // agents
    this.entities = {} // generic container (food, poison)
    this.agents = {} // agent classes
    this.behaviors = {} // calculated behaviors

  addEntities(names) {}
  registerAgents(agents) {}
  initialPopulation(init) {}
  addBehavior(config) {}
  batchUpdateAgents(list, foodPoison, weight, callback) {}

Setting up everything

And the last step is to assemble every part of the code to create these boids like creatures and gave each of them behaviors

// Global
let canvas = document.querySelector('#c');
let WIDTH = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
let HEIGHT = canvas.height = 600;
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

let MAX_CREATURES = 300;
const ENABLE_SUPER_DEBUG = false;

// constants for flexibilty
const EATER = 'EATER';
const FOOD = 'FOOD';
const POISON = 'POISON';

function load() {
  const ecoSys = new EcoSystem();

  // creates a Array which you can access with ecoSys.entities 
    FOOD: [],
    POISON: []

  // register classes it will also create corresponding Arrays
  // which you can use by calling ecoSys.groups[your_given_name]
    CREATURE: Agent,
    PREDATOR: Predator,
    AVOIDER: Avoider,
    EATER: Eater,

  // initialPopulation have to use the same name
  // which you configure in registerAgents
    CREATURE: 150,
    PREDATOR: randomInt(5, 10),
    AVOIDER: randomInt(10, 20),
    EATER: randomInt(1, 4),

  let add = document.getElementById('addnew');
  canvas.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    ecoSys.add(add.value, e.offsetX, e.offsetY)

  function animate() {
    let grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, 0, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH);
    grd.addColorStop(0, "rgba(25,25,25,1)");
    grd.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0,0,25,1)");
    // Fill with gradient
    ctx.fillStyle = grd;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

     * likes food dislikes poison
     * run away form predators and eaters
     * cloneItSelf
      name: CREATURE,
      like: FOOD,
      dislike: POISON,
      fear: {
        PREDATOR: [-4, 75],
        EATER: [-2, 100]
      cloneItSelf: 0.0015,
      callback: function () {
        if (ecoSys.groups.CREATURE.length < MAX_CREATURES
          && random(1) < REPRODUCTION_RATE) {

     * likes poison dislikes food
     * seeks and eats creatures
     * run away from eaters
      name: PREDATOR,
      like: POISON,
      dislike: FOOD,
      likeDislikeWeight: [1, -1],
      fear: {
        EATER: [-10, 50],
        CREATURE: [1, 200, function (agents, i) {
          agents.splice(i, 1);
          this.health += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
          this.radius += this.goodFoodMultiplier;

     * likes food dislikes poison
     * run away form predators, eaters, creatures
      name: AVOIDER,
      like: FOOD,
      dislike: POISON,
      cloneItSelf: 0.0005,
      // likeDislikeWeight: [1, -1],
      fear: {
        CREATURE: [-0.9, 100],
        EATER: [-1, 100],
        PREDATOR: [-1, 100, function () {
          this.health += this.badFoodMultiplier;

     * likes poison
     * emits food as waste compound
     * seeks creatures, predators, avoiders and EATS THEM
      name: EATER,
      like: POISON,
      dislike: POISON,
      likeDislikeWeight: [1, 1],
      fear: {
        CREATURE: [1.0, 100, function (list, i) {
          list.splice(i, 1);
          this.health += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
          this.radius += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
        PREDATOR: [1.0, 100, function (list, i) {
          list.splice(i, 1);
          this.health += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
          this.radius += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
        AVOIDER: [1.0, 100, function (list, i) {
          list.splice(i, 1);
          this.health += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
          this.radius += this.goodFoodMultiplier;
      callback: function () {
        if (random(0, 1) < 0.05) {
          addItem(ecoSys.entities.FOOD, 1, this.pos.x, this.pos.y)

    renderItem(ecoSys.entities.FOOD, 'white', 1, true);
    renderItem(ecoSys.entities.POISON, 'crimson', 2);



window.onload = load;

And that's it, phew, that was a lot of work. But in the end, we have beautiful flocking creatures playing around and interacting with each other. have fun watching them all day. <3